Payment arrangements

We understand circumstances can make it difficult to meet your monthly bills. If you have a past-due balance, use our online payment arrangements option to schedule monthly payments and bring your account up to date.

You are eligible for payment arrangements if:

  • You have an active account.
  • You are not currently on a payment plan to pay off a past-due balance.
  • You have not broken a payment arrangement in the last 13 months.
  • You have not received a disconnection notice.

Other things to know

  • If you are attempting to set-up payment arrangements in order to avoid a disconnection of service you must contact our 24-hour customer service at 800-401-6402.
  • Your request to make online payment arrangements can be denied if you still owe money on a previous payment plan with us.
  • Your request to make online payment arrangements can be denied if a payment arrangement has been broken in the last 13 months.
  • If you do not make the payments as determined in the payment arrangements agreement, we have the option to disconnect your service for nonpayment.
  • Once service is discontinued, we may require full past due amount plus a reconnection fee in order to restore services.

Make payment arrangements

If you do not meet the requirements listed above, please contact us as soon as possible.

Note: A confirmed payment is needed to set payment arrangements. Confirmed payments that are accepted for payment arrangements are:

  • Payments made at an approved pay station.
  • Payments made through Quick Payment (a service fee is charged to every payment made).
  • Payments made over the phone (a service fee is charged to every payment made).

How much is needed to set a payment arrangement:

  • A customer who has not broken payment arrangements, been disconnect for non-payment, and has not received NSF transactions in the last 13 months is requested to pay 1/3 of the full balance with a confirmed payment today and the remaining 2/3 in up to 90 days.
  • A customer who has had NSF transactions or a disconnection of service due to nonpayment in the last 13-months is required to pay 1/2 of the account balance with a confirmed payment today and the remainder in 2-weeks.

The more quickly you contact us, the more likely we'll be able to make arrangements that work for you and for the company. If your problem is temporary, we're confident we can reach a suitable agreement. If your problem is likely to last for some time, one of our experienced professionals can work with you to explore payment assistance options.

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