Signing up/switching/canceling — frequently asked questions

If your question is not answered here, or if you'd like more information, please contact us.

How do I enroll?
If you would like to switch to another supplier, you'll need to provide them with your account number and meter number and complete their enrollment process. The supplier will forward the information to MGU to initiate the change. To keep MGU as your supplier, do nothing.

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If I choose a new supplier, when will the change occur?
The change typically takes two to six weeks, depending on your meter-reading schedule. Once your enrollment has been received, the new supplier will send you a confirmation letter within seven days of your agreement date and MGU will process the change.

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How do I compare supplier prices?
To make an accurate comparison to our price (the "GCR" factor on your bill), add a "reservation charge" of 0.05895 cents/CCF to the alternative supplier's price. The GCR factor is regulated and may change based on market conditions. The GCR factor is tracked on the Michigan Public Service Commission website.

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Can I cancel my contract?
You have the right to cancel the contract within 30 days. The unconditional cancellation period begins the day after you sign the new Gas Choice supplier contract. To cancel your contract, contact your supplier. After the 30-day period, your supplier may charge a fee for canceling your contract before you have met the contract terms.

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Can I switch suppliers?
We do not limit the number of times you may switch suppliers. However, please note that each supplier may stipulate how long you must remain under contract and may charge a cancellation fee if you leave early. Be sure to clarify the duration and details of the contract before you sign up.

Michigan Public Service Commission rules require that if you choose someone other than MGU to buy your gas, you may not return to MGU for your supply needs for 12 months. We will continue to be your contact for service, emergency calls, etc. Also, if you return to MGU from another supplier, you cannot sign up with a Choice supplier for a year.

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Is there a fee for switching?
You do not pay a processing fee when making your original choice. Also, you can change suppliers one time in any 12-month period without being charged a fee. MGU will charge a $10 fee if you make additional supplier changes within a 12-month period.

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How can I avoid "slamming" - having my gas supplier changed without my consent?
To help avoid unauthorized switching, don't disclose any specific account information (i.e. account number and/or meter number) to a supplier until you agree to switch.

Once you switch suppliers, a message will appear on your MGU bill confirming your participation in the Gas Choice Program and your supplier’s name. If your service is switched without your consent, contact the supplier.

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What happens if I pick a gas supplier who goes out of business?
If your supplier goes out of business, MGU will supply your gas. If you choose to sign-up with another supplier, you will have 60 days to switch to that supplier without incurring a switching fee.

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