About us

MGU delivers natural gas to nearly 187,000 customers in southern and western Michigan. We had our start in pre-Civil War days, when gas was manufactured from coal and used to light streets, homes and businesses. Since that time, we've grown and changed along with the communities we serve.

Our employees are dedicated to delivering natural gas safely and reliably. We look for ways to reduce costs for our customers. And we help our local communities grow even more.

  • Our values
    Our values guide our business.
  • Corporate Responsibility Report
    Find details on our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance in our annual corporate responsibility report.
  • Service area map
    MGU delivers natural gas to about 187,000 customers in southern and western Michigan.
  • Our history
    We've grown and changed along with our local communities.
  • Regulatory information
    MGU is regulated by the Michigan Public Service Commission.
  • 2019 Natural gas meter project
    Beginning in summer 2019, Michigan Gas Utilities and our contractors are performing work on customers’ natural gas meters.

Michigan Gas Utilities is a subsidiary of WEC Energy Group.